Symmetric Cryptography
What is Symmetric Cryptography?
Symmetric Cryptography is a type of cryptosystem where the same key is used for encryption and decryption of a message.
Symmetric Cryptography is a type of cryptosystem where the same key is used for encryption and decryption of a message.
Try and Buy is a licensing model where customers can try a limited version of the software product and later upgrade to a paid unlimited version.
Uptime refers to the time that a website or web service is available to users in a given period. For reference, the industry considers 99.999% uptime as high availability.
User Account Licensing Model is where a company authenticates user accounts within the application.
A Web API endpoint in the context of software licensing is a method you can call with an HTTP request to e.g. verify a license key.
A Web Application is an application that runs in a web browser as opposed to on a customer’s own computer.