SDK Licensing
Tutorials and tools to protect SDKs in offline scenarios.
Licensing Server
The license server helps you to license your application to customers that have machines with no direct internet access.
Reporting/Admin Tools
- Floating license audit – report of how seats were checked in or out for a certain license in the latest 24 h. In other words, the report shows how the number of seats left has changed over time.
- Activations of large number of devices on premise – a script that helps to activate a large number of devices on customer site, which is especially useful if the client devices are permanently offline. In addition, it can be used if you want to control who can activate the license.
- Python scripts to analyse usage (beta) – a set of scripts that can be used to analyse the API log.
Cryptolens Docs
The source code of all articles at
Cryptolens Licensing Client
This is the client binaries that are used to communicate with Cryptolens. They provide an interface for the Web API, including helper methods for eg. signature verification.
SKM Wiki Engine
A wiki engine used to render the help pages.
SKGL (Serial Key Generating Library)
A free and open source licensing system, which was one of the building block behind SKM.
Licensing Systems Article
This articles describes various license key algorithms and how they can be implemented.
One Time Password
A .NET core library that implements HOTP based on rfc4226 and TOTP based on rfc6238.
VAT Calculator
VAT calculator helps EU businesses verify a VAT id and compute the VAT that should be applied to each order.
Currency Converter
Currency converter allows you to retrieve the latest exchange prices for USD and EUR relative to SEK.