When you have a lot of licenses in the Cryptolens platform, it can be useful to search for specific properties such as blocked/active, the created-on date, and so on. In this blog, we feature some of the queries you can run to effectively filter search results in Cryptolens.
This blog is based on the following two help pages relating to sorting and ordering. For a video guide, please watch the following YouTube video.
Searching licenses using Linq Queries
One of the most basic ways of searching for licenses is to simply paste the license key into the search field.
You can also search for all licenses with a specific property. For example, you can find every license key that has Feature 1 set as true by pasting the following text into the search field.
You can use the same logic to search license keys based on other features. Below, you will find the query for finding blocked licenses.
If you instead want to find all licenses with the period set to 30, you can do so by pasting the following query into the search field.
Advanced searching
A more advanced way of searching for licenses is to find licenses that have been issued after a particular date. To do so, please see the following query example.
created > DateTime(2024,05,01)
The same logic can be applied with the parameter “expires”.
Furthermore, you can search for all license keys that have been activated on a device. For this example, let’s find all license keys that have at least 2 activated devices.
ActivatedMachines.Count() >= 2
Let us now assume that you just received an email from a customer saying that they have lost their license key, but they provided their machine code.
You can then search for licenses that have been activated by a particular machine ID using the following query:
ActivatedMachines.Count(it.Mid="machine code") > 0
You would simply replace “machine code” with the machine ID of your customer.
There is a similar way to search for license keys if you are using the API. The method is called GetKeys, and the same queries can be used if you prefer to use the API.
There are many more properties you can use to filter search results in Cryptolens, and we have them all listed here.
Customizing the order of license keys
As you can see in the Cryptolens dashboard, there are different preset ways of ordering license keys. For example, you can order by feature and creation date.
For more advanced customization of the ordering, please visit this help page.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. Thank you so much for reading!