Software licensing for PHP applications
We recently added support for key verification in PHP, available on GitHub. Below is the sample code that can be included into your application.
<?php require_once('Cryptolens.php'); $activate = cryptolens_activate( // Access token 'WyI0NjUiLCJBWTBGTlQwZm9WV0FyVnZzMEV1Mm9LOHJmRDZ1SjF0Vk52WTU0VzB2Il0=' // Product Id , 3646 // License Key , 'MPDWY-PQAOW-FKSCH-SGAAU' // Machine code , '289jf2afs3' ); // $activate is now a boolean indicating if the activation attempt was successful or not ?>
The repository contains all the necessary information to get the code to work (eg.. finding access tokens)