Cryptolens Pricing Plans Explained

Cryptolens pricing plans are made for software companies of all sizes and stages! From our free plan for startups and developing projects to our tailored plan for enterprises, we make sure you pay a fair price.

Licensing a software application is so crucial when trying to sell a software product that a lot of people implement software licensing early on, way before they are ready for product launch. The dream of one day working as a full-time software developer and seeing the value your customers get from using your application may seem far away.

Explore our new pricing page, or watch the following YouTube video to get an overview of this blog, or continue to read for a more detailed walk-through.

Cryptolens pricing plans

To illustrate the pricing plans in a good way, allow me to tell you a short story:

Let’s say that you are a software developer with a great software product idea. You eagerly begin to write some code and it is starting to look promising. However, you quickly run into a problem.

If you want to charge customers for your product, you need a system that can restrict access from unauthorized users. Without such a system, your code remains unprotected, and even non-customers can use it. Software licensing is the solution you are seeking, and this is where our Free pricing plan comes in.

Cryptolens is completely free during the development of your application. That way, you can implement software licensing for free while you get ready to launch your product. With our easy implementation guides in the coding languages you love, getting started with software licensing becomes effortless.

You only have to pay for Cryptolens when you get customers of your own, and when you get your own income stream to support the licensing cost. This Cryptolens pricing plan is ideal for testing and experiencing the value of Cryptolens.

A basic plan for startups

You continue to develop your application, feeling pleased that you figured out a way of selling it and controlling who has access to it. After a while, when the prototype gets more developed, you begin to think more about business models, pricing strategies, investors, and other business-related questions.

Right as you are getting ready to launch your product, we suggest upgrading to our pricing plan called “Basic”. Although the free plan allows you to experience the true value of Cryptolens for free, it does not support having multiple customers. The basic plan allows you to control the access of your first couple of customers, no matter what licensing model you want to implement.

Although you do not get unlimited access to the power of Cryptolens, you get everything you need in the beginning for a basic setup. When your licensing needs become bigger, your revenue stream is increased. Then it might be interesting to look into other Cryptolens pricing plans.

A growth plan for teams

Let’s now say that you have successfully launched your software startup, and you have reached a phase of fast growth. You have hired a team to assist you in product and business development, and you might even have an office. In order to fully capitalize on the growth stage when a large number of customers begin to knock on your door, we suggest moving to the Growth pricing plan.

Prioritized support and greater access to analytics data can be lifesavers when your team is growing fast. Without being able to optimize the usage of your product with analytics data, crucial insights get lost, and you cannot make optimal decisions. Prioritized support allows you to give customers the best possible experience when something goes wrong. Your customers might also have more advanced licensing requirements, which can be supported by this Cryptolens pricing plan.

A tailored enterprise plan for advanced needs

Exciting times, but how does this story end? You have now successfully capitalized on the growth stage, and your company has become an enterprise. The team has grown over the years, and so has your customer list. Multiple people in your team are now working with licensing, and you may even have other departments focusing on providing real value to customers.

Because each enterprise has unique needs, one size no longer fits all. At this stage of your journey, we are able to sit down with you and tailor an enterprise pricing plan for your unique licensing requirements, ensuring that you pay a reasonable price.

Although that story has come to an end, yours has only begun. Take the first step by signing up with Cryptolens today to implement software licensing within minutes.

Thank you for reading, stay creative!

Software licensing with Cryptolens

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