License Key

What is a License Key?

A License Key is usually a combination of letters that a software vendor gives out to customers when they purchase a software product. In the software product, there is most likely a software licensing system that works as the lock in the application that only allows access to users who can insert a valid license key.

Software vendors usually need a way to manage license keys. Cryptolens helps companies protect and license their applications with a 20-letter long license key string that stores the software license information associated with it. These keys are given to customers to ensure that they get access to the correct features in a software product. A license key can also store information relating to how long a customer should be able to access the product. A system that tracks the license keys is called a software licensing system. Such a system is also great for setting up different licensing models. They allow you to charge more effectively for a software product.

Cryptolens is a Licensing as a Service (LaaS) provider that helps you set up a software licensing system within minutes. Our comprehensive documentation guides in the programming languages you love make implementation easy. In our platform, you can manage the license keys you create. We even have advanced features such as a licensing server for offline licensing and a resellers portal for delegating license key creation to others. All application types can implement a software licensing system, such as desktop and web applications, SDKs, plugins, IoTs, and more!

If you want to get started with our licensing platform, we offer you a Free pricing plan so you can implement licensing without any stress. When you get customers of your own, we suggest moving to our Basic pricing plan for unrestricted use. Visit our pricing page to learn more!

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