Author: Artem Los

Username and Password Authentication

The normal way of authenticating users in Cryptolens is through license keys. However, there is another way. You can choose to allow customers to use username and password authentication. This blog focuses on how this method works in theory. Please visit the full documentation page if you want to learn about the code implementation. We have also made the following video tutorial which features code examples in Python:

Username and Password Authentication

There are some use cases where it might be more convenient to authenticate users with a username and password as opposed to a traditional license key. If a customer has a lot of licenses, or if you offer your application both as a web and desktop service, username and password authentication would be a suitable approach.

Step 1 – Access Token Permissions

In Cryptolens, the first step to implement username and password authentication is to select the correct access token permissions. In the “Miscellaneous” section of the access token permissions page, you will find “User Auth Normal” and “User Auth Admin”. It is recommended to use the “User Auth Normal” for the client code. However, in your back-end where you will create new user accounts, the permission “User Auth Admin” is more suitable.

Step 2 – User Creation

In your code, you need to implement a way for customers to sign up and choose a username, password, and alternatively, an email address. This is also where you can assign a customer ID. Please watch the video above or the full implementation page for code examples on how to set this up. After a user has successfully registered, they will appear in the Cryptolens dashboard and be assigned to a Cryptolens customer.

Step 3 – Authenticating Users

Because the user account that was just created is associated with a Cryptolens customer, you will be able to retrieve all of their Cryptolens license keys when they log in. You will also get the license properties such as the features, notes, product ID, and more. From this point, you will be able to proceed with key verification as normal. Once again, please check the full documentation page for code examples and a more detailed guide.

Thank you for reading, please reach out to us if you have any questions!

Adding Cryptolens SDK Into a Rhino 3D Plugin

The goal of this blog is to explain the 5 easy steps on how to add Cryptolens SDK into a Rhino 3D plugin. If you want to install our software license manager for a Rhino 3D plugin, please also check out our blog on how to get started in .NET. You can find that post here.

This blog will mainly cover how the steps in theory, and if you want code examples, please read the full documentation page for Rhino 3D plugins. We also show code examples in the following YouTube video:

5 simple steps to add Cryptolens SDK into a Rhino 3D plugin

Step 1 – Download the SDK

In our example, we create a plugin based on Rhino 8. When you have your project open, please follow this link to download our SDK on GitHub.

When on GitHub, click on “Releases” and choose the latest release. There are two versions to choose between. “” can be used if you expect to target platforms other than Windows. Normally, we suggest to try downloading “” and checking if all the features you need are supported.

Step 2 – Extract the folder

When you have downloaded your desired file, the next step is to extract the libraries. You will see that we have all of the binaries for all of the platforms on the downloaded file. For this tutorial, we will be using “netstandard.2.0”.

When in the “netstandard.2.0” folder, please copy the folder’s path link.

Step 3 – Dependencies

In Solution Explorer in Visual Studio, right-click on “Dependencies” under the name of your project. In the new menu, click on “Add Project Reference…”.

Step 4 – Browse

In the new window, click on “Browse” in the left menu. Now, click on the “Browse…” button in the lower right corner. In the “File name” field, please paste the folder path that you copied in step 2.

You should now be able to see the file called “Cryptolens.Licensing.ddl”. Please select that file and click “Add”. That should take you back to the original window, and simply click the “Ok” button to complete the step.

Step 5 – Install Newtonsoft.Json

The final step is to install Newtonsoft.Json using NuGet. To do that, right-click on “Dependencies” once again under the name of your project. This time, click on “Manage NuGet Packages…”

In the new window, change to the “Browse” tab and search for “Newtonsoft.Json”. When you find it in the search result, please install it using the down-arrow icon to the right. Click “Apply” in the window that pops up.

Code examples and full implementation

A good step to do next would be to build the project using our key verification code to see if everything is working. We suggest checking out the YouTube video above or going to the full documentation page.

Thank you for reading, please reach out to us if you have any questions!

Messaging API To Send In-App Notifications

This blog will cover how to send in-app notifications using Cryptolens Messaging API. There are two main use cases for Messaging API: one is for updates tracking, and the other is for sending messages in general. You can even choose to send in-application messages to all customers, or a group of customers.

We will mainly cover the dashboard setup and theory behind Messaging API. For code examples, you can either check out the YouTube video or see the full documentation page.

Here is the YouTube video covering this topic, including Python code examples:

Updates tracking in the dashboard

When on the Message Page in Cryptolens, you can specify the Channel and Content that you want to broadcast. For updates tracking, you might want to add the URL where customers can download the latest update to the Content field.

You can implement different channels to send the notification only to some customers. You could, for example, have customers choose if they want to download stable updates, or if they also want to be notified when an experimental version is released. The way to do that is to specify “Experimental” in the Channel field. That way, only customers who your application knows want to receive experimental releases will receive the message.

When you are ready to publish, click on “Add”. In the “Broadcasted Messages” section, you will now find the recently broadcasted message.

For code examples, please check out the full documentation page. The YouTube video at the top of this blog will also show the Python setup.

Notifications in the dashboard

When it comes to update tracking, the main purpose is to make sure that the customer is using the latest update. However, with notifications, you always want to display the latest message for that channel. This means some changes to the code, but in the dashboard, notifications are posted the same way as updates tracking.

One use case for notifications could be to broadcast news. For example, you might want to tell your customers that you offer a limited summer discount. Then, on the Message Page in Cryptolens, you can write “News” in the Channel field, and your message in the Content field, such as “We now offer summer discounts”.

If you want to send in-app notifications for both updates tracking and other notifications, you can simply set up different channels. Use, for example, “Stable” and “Experimental” for updates tracking, and “News” for notifications.

Not a customer yet?

With Cryptolens software license manager, you can implement software licensing within minutes!

Implement Node-Locked Licenses

So, you want to implement node-locked licenses into your product’s code. This blog will cover the node-locked licensing model and how to set it up in Cryptolens. For the code examples, please read the following documentation page.

You can also watch this video for the dashboard and code tutorial:

Implementing Node-Locked Licenses

First of all, what is the difference between the node-locked and floating licensing models? With node-locking, count the maximum number of machines that are able to activate that license key. Floating licenses instead count the number of concurrent users. This means that you do not have to deactivate a machine once the device limit has been reached.

Implementing node-locked licenses is effortless with Cryptolens. When creating a new key in the Cryptolens dashboard, you can simply specify the maximum number of machines in the “Advanced Settings” field. As long as that field is greater than 0, that license key uses the node-locked licensing model! For this example, let’s set the limit to 2.

If you go to the product view, you can validate that it works. That license key should now have a field in the “Devices” row that shows how many devices have activated that license key. In our example, it should say “0/2” since no devices have been activated yet.

When you have set up the coding implementation, you will see that number change to “1/2” when the first device activates the key. If you click on the wrench icon to the right of the number “1/2” for that license key, you will bring up a new view.

Here, you can see some parameters relevant to the node-locked model. The machine code of the activated machines, IP, and time are available parameters. This is also where you can delete machines. Simply click on the red cross icon in the last field to the right to deactivate that machine.

Remember that when the device limit has been reached, deactivating another machine is the only way to allow more machines to activate.

So that is how you implement node-locked licenses in Cryptolens! Watch the video above or read the full documentation page to see the code examples.

Implement Subscription Licenses

Today’s blog will feature how you implement subscription licenses. The use cases you can have for subscription licenses will be covered, and how you integrate your payment provider such as Stripe.

The most common way to implement subscription licenses is the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. That is where you restrict access to the product when a license expires. You can also allow customers to use the product without a valid license, but they are not allowed newer upgrades. You can also tie the subscription to a support agreement so that only people with a valid license get access to support.

All of these methods will be covered today. For the full documentation page on this topic, click here.

We have made the following video tutorial for this topic:

The SaaS Model

The most common use case is where a customer has to pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to use the product. If they do not pay, their access to the product will be restricted. They would then have to extend the license to continue to use the product. This method is oftentimes seen today with the Software as a Service (SaaS) business model.

In Cryptolens, you can implement this using our pre-made “Expires” field. We already have a blog post covering how to set up time-limited licenses that you can find here.

In short, you have to click on “Edit Feature Names” on the product page and click the checkbox “Treat all licenses as time-limited”. Now, Cryptolens knows that you want to use the SaaS Subscription Model.

When creating a license in Cryptolens, you can specify for how long the license should be valid. If you want to extend the expiry date, simply click on a particular license and you can either choose a date in the calendar or choose to extend the license for X amount of days. You can also automate this by integrating with your payment provider. We cover that topic at the end of this blog.

An important last step to remember is to make sure Cryptolens blocks all expired licenses. You can find that tutorial here, but that should only be done for this method of implementing subscriptions.

Restrict Access to Updates and Support

Some software developers want to continue to allow customers to use the software after the expiry date has been reached. However, without a valid license, a customer cannot get access to updates. This would still incentivize the customer to keep extending their license.

Let’s take an example of how this could work in practice. Let’s say that a customer buys your software at the launch of version 1.0. Their license expires right as you release a minor update, version 1.1. The customer can get access to that minor update and continue to use the product even though their license has expired. However, when you release a major update to version 2.0, the customer is not able to access that version without a valid license.

You implement this version of subscriptions by using data objects. In Cryptolens, you would create a new data object and use it as metadata. Create a new data object and call it, for example, “major_version”. Give the IntValue field the value 1 if you want your version to be 1.0. Click on Create. Now, you have a way to track major releases of your application.

If you want to keep allowing customers with expired licenses to use the product, another way to incentivize them to renew the license is to limit the support given to customers without a valid license. This essentially means that they subscribe to a support agreement rather than to the product itself.

For more information on how to implement this model, please check the full documentation page. For this method, you should not tell Cryptolens to block expired licenses automatically, since you want people to keep using their version of the application.

Implementation with Payment Providers

You can manually extend the expiry date in the Crypolens dashboard, but it might be beneficial for you to automate the process so that the expiry date of a client is automatically extended after a successful payment has been made.

In the Cryptolens API, there is a method called the ExtendLicense method. When a successful payment has been made by a client, use that method when calling our API to automatically extend their license. This method works no matter if you are using Stripe, PayPal, other providers, or even an internal payment system.

For more information, please read this page in our documentation. There, we also have API methods to automatically create a new license key, add features, block the license, and more.

You now know how to implement subscription licenses in Cryptolens!

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Subscription VS Usage-based licensing

Do you want to license and sell a software product? Then you might be interested in understanding the differences between subscription VS usage-based licensing. The two licensing models are beneficial in different ways, and we will in this blog give you guidance on what to choose.

If you want to read more about licensing models, please read our help pages. We made the following video covering subscription VS usage-based licensing:

When to choose usage-based licensing

First of all, what is usage-based licensing, and how does it work? Usage-based licensing is when you charge a customer for a specific action. For example, you might sell software to photographers where they can edit photos. Instead of charging your customers a subscription fee once a month, you can charge a customer per photo that they edit in your software.

One benefit is that you can charge the customer more fairly. Enterprises that use your software every day pay a high price. Startups that use your software once in a while are allowed to pay a lower price.

So when should you opt to charge per usage instead of a subscription fee? The value that your customers get from your product must be highly correlated to the specific action you want to charge for. This simply means that the actions you charge for need to provide a lot of value to your customers.

Your editing software from the example provides value to your customer only when the customer edits a photo. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider usage-based licensing for such a software product.

When to choose subscriptions

Great! But when is it not a good idea to charge customers for certain actions? We covered earlier that usage-based licensing allows you to attract both small and large customers since they can have their own prices depending on their usage.

If you are selling multi-purpose software where you cannot find one specific action that gives all of your customers a lot of value, subscriptions can still allow you to charge customers different prices.

By implementing different pricing plans with different feature sets, you can motivate enterprises to pay a higher subscription fee to get full access to your product. Startups can then get a more basic version without all of the features at a smaller price.

Cryptolens makes it effortless to license and sell any type of software application, no matter if you want to implement subscriptions or usage-based licensing.

Get Started with Cryptolens Today!

Different types of software licenses - Cryptolens

Filter search results

When you have a lot of licenses in the Cryptolens platform, it can be useful to search for specific properties such as blocked/active, the created-on date, and so on. In this blog, we feature some of the queries you can run to effectively filter search results in Cryptolens.

This blog is based on the following two help pages relating to sorting and ordering. For a video guide, please watch the following YouTube video.

Searching licenses using Linq Queries

One of the most basic ways of searching for licenses is to simply paste the license key into the search field.

You can also search for all licenses with a specific property. For example, you can find every license key that has Feature 1 set as true by pasting the following text into the search field.


You can use the same logic to search license keys based on other features. Below, you will find the query for finding blocked licenses.


If you instead want to find all licenses with the period set to 30, you can do so by pasting the following query into the search field.


Advanced searching

A more advanced way of searching for licenses is to find licenses that have been issued after a particular date. To do so, please see the following query example.

created > DateTime(2024,05,01)

The same logic can be applied with the parameter “expires”.

Furthermore, you can search for all license keys that have been activated on a device. For this example, let’s find all license keys that have at least 2 activated devices.

ActivatedMachines.Count() >= 2

Let us now assume that you just received an email from a customer saying that they have lost their license key, but they provided their machine code.

You can then search for licenses that have been activated by a particular machine ID using the following query:

ActivatedMachines.Count(it.Mid="machine code") > 0

You would simply replace “machine code” with the machine ID of your customer.

There is a similar way to search for license keys if you are using the API. The method is called GetKeys, and the same queries can be used if you prefer to use the API.

There are many more properties you can use to filter search results in Cryptolens, and we have them all listed here.

Customizing the order of license keys

As you can see in the Cryptolens dashboard, there are different preset ways of ordering license keys. For example, you can order by feature and creation date.

For more advanced customization of the ordering, please visit this help page.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. Thank you so much for reading!

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How do you implement a Software Licensing System?

When you are thinking about licensing and selling your software product, you probably come across the question “How do you implement a software licensing system?” In this blog, we will cover the basics of Cryptolens so you can get an idea of how you can implement a software licensing system and start to license and sell your software product.

Please visit our help pages if you want to learn more. You can also learn about software licensing basics in the following video:

Implement a software licensing system

There are three easy steps to get started in Cryptolens.

  1. Install our SDK in your programming language
  2. Create a free Cryptolens account
  3. Insert a code snippet into your code

Let us begin with the SDK. Cryptolens offers comprehensive SDKs in your favorite programming languages to make it effortless to implement a software licensing manager within minutes. Install our SDK in your language here.

Create a free Cryptolens account to get access to our easy-to-use dashboard where you can create and manage license keys and restrictions. You can also find your access tokens and other parameters that you have to insert into your code. Cryptolens offers you a way to implement licensing for free at your own pace, and you only have to pay when you get customers of your own.

The last step is to insert a code snippet into your application’s code. We provide comprehensive help guides to make the implementation seem effortless. The following image gives a summary of how our code snippet looks. See the code snippet in your programming language here.

License key verification is effortless with Cryptolens in any coding language!

Are you new to Cryptolens? Welcome! We are dedicated to offering an easy-to-use Licensing as a Service (LaaS) platform so you can license and sell your software application within minutes.

Get Started with Cryptolens Today!

Offline license verifications

Welcome to our blog featuring offline license verifications in Cryptolens. We will cover how to set up offline verification in theory and in practice, regarding two major use cases:

  1. When a customer is allowed to temporarily be offline (for example, use the license while they are in airplane mode).
  2. When a customer is allowed to permanently be offline (for example, behind a corporate firewall).

This blog is based on the following page in our documentation.

Here is a YouTube video covering the same topic:


Let us refresh our memory of the standard license key verification code. For the remainder of this blog, we will cover example codes in Python, but the process is similar in other languages.

Below you can find the basic key verification code in Python.

result = Key.activate(token=auth,\
  product_id=3349, \

if result[0] == None or not Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(result[0], v=2):
  # an error occurred or the key is invalid or it cannot be activated
  # (eg. the limit of activated devices was achieved)
  print("The license does not work: {0}".format(result[1]))
  # everything went fine if we are here!
  print("The license is valid!")

When Key.Activate is called, it calls Cryptolens API, which in turn returns a signed JSON object placed in the result variable. This allows you to proceed as normal and check features, expiry dates, and other parameters. In the code above, we are checking if the license is activated on the correct machine.

Using the following code in Python, we can save the JSON object to disk, allowing us to read it again when the customer lacks internet access.

# res is obtained from the code above
if result[0] != None:
  # saving license file to disk
  with open('licensefile.skm', 'w') as f:

Case 1 – Temporarily offline

If customers are expected to be offline once in a while, it is considered good practice to always attempt to make the key.activate call, and only load the saved license file from disk if the customer is offline and key.activate fails.

The following Python code example shows you how to load the saved license file from disk:

# read license file from file
with open('licensefile.skm', 'r') as f:
  license_key = LicenseKey.load_from_string(pubKey,, 30)

if license_key == None or not Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(license_key, v=2):
  print("NOTE: This license file does not belong to this machine.")
  print("Feature 1: " + str(license_key.f1))
  print("License expires: " + str(license_key.expires))

Notice that the parameter load_from_string has “30” set as a parameter. This means that the customer is only allowed to use the software offline for 30 days. You can customize this value so it suits your use case. For example, you may want to change it to 7, if you only want to allow a customer to be offline for a week.

When the date has been reached, the customer will need a new license file (which may be obtained by successfully calling key.activate), which can be done with the LoadFromFile method.

You could also remove the “30” parameter if you do not want to set a limit at all.

If you want to see more code examples in Python, please visit our GitHub page.

Case 2 – Permanently offline

To support customers to be fully offline and still use your software for a long period of time, you would have to send the license file to your customers since they cannot call key.activate.

There are four methods you can use:

  1. Calling key.activate on your end and sending the file to your customer. You can automate this method.
  2. Using Activation forms hosted by Cryptolens for an easier solution.
  3. Obtaining the file manually in the dashboard.
  4. An On-premise License Server by Cryptolens for when you anticipate many end users or want to support floating licenses offline.


The first method is where you call key.activate on your end and send the license file to your customer, for example, over an email. If you would like, you could set up an automized way where your customers can request to download their license file from your dashboard. This could, however, become somewhat complex.


An easier way is to use activation forms by Cryptolens. When inside the Cryptolens dashboard, open the tab called “Forms”, and click on Activation Forms. This form performs a call to key.activate much like you would do on your own in the previous method, but we provide a simpler GUI for your and your customer’s convenience.

Using the form, customers can simply enter their license key and machine code, click on active, and they will obtain their license file that they can insert on their machines.


You can also manually download the license file from the Cryptolens dashboard. Go to the desired product page, find the license key you want to download the license file of, and click on the yellow wrench icon to the right of the key. Click on “Download activation file” and send it in your desired way to your customer.


All of the above-mentioned methods are useful when there are only a few employees on site who would use your software offline. But, if you anticipate that your customers will have many end users, or if you want to support floating licenses offline, you can use an on-premise license server that Cryptolens provides. Please read the documentation relating to the on-premise license server to learn more about this approach.

Thank you for reading this blog about setting up offline license verifications in Cryptolens, please feel free to ask questions to [email protected].

Get Started with Cryptolens Today!

How does software licensing work?

A common question when selling and licensing a software application is “How does software licensing work?”. Understanding the basics of software licensing allows you to make smarter decisions when it comes to monetizing your software.

It is crucial that your software is able to know who is allowed access and for how long. Depending on what licensing model you choose, the software licensing system will behave differently. We are briefly explaining how software licensing works in this blog.

You can also watch the associated YouTube video:

Explaining how software licensing works

A licensing as a service (LaaS) provider such as Cryptolens will do most of the heavy lifting. When a user of your software signs up, your software sends a request to a license server. The license server then checks if all of the requirements are met. For example, was the customer’s last payment successful?

If all of the requirements are satisfied, the license server sends a response back to your software that tells it to run as normal. If, for example, the customer did not pay their last payment, the license server will tell your software to display a message telling the customer what they need to do to gain access to the software again.

In some instances, your software may be unable to send a request to the license server. For example, your software might be running without Internet access. Your software would then use a license file on disk or call an on-premise license server. At Cryptolens, we provide methods of doing both of the options to our customers.

We have now answered the question “How does software licensing work?”. If you are new to Cryptolens, welcome to our site! We enable our customers to license and sell any type of software application. With help guides in your favorite programming language, you can implement software licensing within minutes. Hundreds of industry-leading customers worldwide are already using our software licensing manager.

Get Started with Cryptolens Today!

Different types of software licenses - Cryptolens