Data collection for better insights in software licensing

By default, Cryptolens logs most of the requests made to the Web API. This information can give some basic insights into how the application is being used. In the latest release of the platform, we have expanded the list of methods that are being logged.

However, API logs don’t capture all events that could be useful from an analytics standpoint. For example, it won’t tell you the most popular feature, OS or answer questions such as which OS brings in most revenues. As a solution, we have released a new API method that allows you submit additional data, in .NET referred to as AI.RegisterEvent (you can also call the RegisterEvent Web API method directly).

The idea is that this method is called in two ways: inside the app (to track when a certain feature is used) and on the backend (upon a successful transaction.

Inside the app, it can be called as shown below:

AI.RegisterEvent("access token with RegisterEvent permission", 
    new RegisterEventModel { EventName = "start", FeatureName = "YearReportGenerator", Key= "AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD", MachineCode = Helpers.GetMachineCode(), ProductId = 3,
    Metadata = Helpers.GetOSStats() });

When a transaction has occurred, we can send a GET request to the url below. The only difference is that we have provided a “value” and a “currency”.<access token with RegisterEvent permission>&Value=30&Currency=USD&ProductId=3&MachineCode=<machine code>

The complete tutorial is available here. As always, let us know if you have any questions 🙂

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