3 times quicker key generation
The algorithm for saving the keys in the database now allows 3 times quicker key generation!
The algorithm for saving the keys in the database now allows 3 times quicker key generation!
After some days of hard work, I have now constructed a well working architecture for Serial Key Manager. The design might change in the nearest time.
The current website features following (entirely free of charge!):
Product is a concept that should allow you to specify a project/product that should have a specific password. For example, if we have a program called “Example”, we can create a product called “Example”, enter a password and some notes. Now, we can refer to it as “Example” product, instead of using the password, which increases the security.
Key is simply what you get when you generate a serial key based on a password. In Serial Key Manager however, every key will be unique, which ensures that you will not get any duplicates (now, every keys has an ID).
Serial Key Manager is a platform designed for software developers to have a better access and control over the serial keys.
In the nearest time you will be able to use this magnificent application, but for the time being, please navigate to the award winning Software Protector Demo page here.
Please check back for more updates!