User Accounts instead of License Keys

The common way of distributing licenses has always been using license keys (or files). Each time a customer needs more features, they have to get a new license key. Thanks to a cloud-based solution such as SKM, it’s possible to limit the number of licenses a customer needs to keep track of, since you can always change the properties of a license in the control panel.

With the “user login authentication” feature, we want to take distribution of licenses a step further and make it even more seamless for you and your customers. Below are some of the benefits of using user login authentication:

Benefits of User Login Authentication

  • Security – an account is much easier to protect than a license key (SKM has many security mechanisms in place, including two-factor authentication).
  • Time – if your customer loses a license key, they will first of all contact you, which will require more maintenance time per customer (SKM account can always be restored automatically and if more support would be needed, we will take care of it).
  • Trust – every user account comes with an easy-to-use control panel that makes it easier for your customers to manage their licenses.

Getting Started

A quick way to get going with user login authentication is by watching a short video and reviewing an example implementation on GitHub.

Note: In addition to SKM Client API, you need to install Cryptolens.SKM, which requires .NET Framework 4.6.2 or above (or .NET Core 1.0 or above). Cryptolens.SKM targets .NET Standard 1.4, so if you target any other .NET friendly platform, you can find more information here.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, please contact us at support (at)

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