Rust code for software licensing

Today we have released a library that you can use to implement license key verification for applications written in Rust. The library is freely available on GitHub.

To verify a license, you can use the code similar to the one below. More information about the parameters can be found here.

use cryptolens;

fn main() {
  let license_key = cryptolens::KeyActivate(
      cryptolens::KeyActivateArguments {
          ProductId: 3646,
          MachineCode: "289jf2afs3",
          .. Default::default()

  let public_key = r#"<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>khbyu3/vAEBHi339fTuo2nUaQgSTBj0jvpt5xnLTTF35FLkGI+5Z3wiKfnvQiCLf+5s4r8JB/Uic/i6/iNjPMILlFeE0N6XZ+2pkgwRkfMOcx6eoewypTPUoPpzuAINJxJRpHym3V6ZJZ1UfYvzRcQBD/lBeAYrvhpCwukQMkGushKsOS6U+d+2C9ZNeP+U+uwuv/xu8YBCBAgGb8YdNojcGzM4SbCtwvJ0fuOfmCWZvUoiumfE4x7rAhp1pa9OEbUe0a5HL+1v7+JLBgkNZ7Z2biiHaM6za7GjHCXU8rojatEQER+MpgDuQV3ZPx8RKRdiJgPnz9ApBHFYDHLDzDw==</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>"#;

  match license_key.has_valid_signature(public_key) {
    Ok(true) => { }
    _        => { println!("Signature check failed. Aborting!"); return; }

  println!("Successfully activated license key: {}", license_key.Key.unwrap());

As always, let us know should you have any questions!

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