Tag: software licensing

Node.js software licensing

Today we have released a client library for Node.js, which can be installed quite easily using the command below:

npm install cryptolens

Once it’s installed, you can verify a license key using the code below:

const Key = require('cryptolens').Key;

var RSAPubKey = "{Your RSA Public key, which can be found here: https://app.cryptolens.io/User/Security}";
var result = Key.Activate(token="{Access token with with Activate permission}", RSAPubKey, ProductId=3349, Key="GEBNC-WZZJD-VJIHG-GCMVD", MachineCode="test");

result.then(function(license) {
    if (!license) {
        // failure
    // Please see https://app.cryptolens.io/docs/api/v3/model/LicenseKey for a complete list of parameters.

If you want to load a license key (eg. for offline activation), you can use LoadFromString method available in the Helpers namespace. You can read more about it here.

Disclaimer: this is not an April joke, we support Node.js for real 🙂

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Golang software licensing

Today, we have released a library for Golang, freely available on GitHub. It supports both key verification and offline verification. To verify a license key, the code below can be used:

token := "Access token"
publicKey := "RSA Public key"

licenseKey, err := cryptolens.KeyActivate(token, cryptolens.KeyActivateArguments{
	ProductId:   3646,
	MachineCode: "289jf2afs3",
if err != nil || !licenseKey.HasValidSignature(publicKey) {
	fmt.Println("License key activation failed!")

More examples can be found here.

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Unity Software Licensing

Easily Unity software licensing with Cryptolens! Unity is a powerful cross-platform game engine. Since it uses C# as the scripting language, we can easily integrate it with Cryptolens client library. In this post, we explain how you can add license key verification into a Unity game and briefly cover payment integration.

Adding software licensing

  1. Download the binaries (please pick those without “System.Management”).
  2. Place these binaries into “Assets” folder.
  3. Add code from the key verification tutorial.

A sample Unity project can be found here.

Adding payments

Once licensing is in place, the next step is to add payment integration. Since Cryptolens is cloud-based, you can easily integrate it with your own billing system or use our existing integrations with popular platforms such as Stripe and PayPal. You can read more about how this can be accomplished here.

Please feel free to reach out should you have any questions!

Not a customer yet? Sign Up for a free trial and implement our software licensing system in Unity within minutes.

Floating licenses in Java

Floating licenses makes it easier for your customers to switch between machines that actively run your software, without having to deactivate them first. For instance, you can constrain the number of concurrent users to 10, but still allow the software to be installed on eg. 100 computers.

In Cryptolens, floating licensing works by letting your app to regularly poll the server to check if the number of concurrent users has been exceeded, which can be accomplished with the code snippet below:

import io.cryptolens.methods.*;
import io.cryptolens.models.*;

public static void main(String args[]) {
    String RSAPubKey = "RSA Public Key";
    String auth = "Access token";

    LicenseKey license = Key.Activate(auth, RSAPubKey, new ActivateModel(3349, "MTMPW-VZERP-JZVNZ-SCPZM", Helpers.GetMachineCode(), 300, 1));
    if (license == null || !Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(license, true, true)) {
        System.out.println("The license does not work.");
    } else {
        System.out.println("The license is valid!");
        System.out.println("It will expire: " + license.Expires);

Normally, if the app stops polling the server, that user will be automatically deactivated within the specified period of time. However, if you want to deactivate it instantly, you can use the code below:

import io.cryptolens.methods.*;
import io.cryptolens.models.*;

public static void main(String args[]) {
    String auth = "";

    boolean result = Key.Deactivate(auth, new DeactivateModel(3349, "MTMPW-VZERP-JZVNZ-SCPZM", Helpers.GetMachineCode(), true));
    if (result == true) {
        System.out.println("Deactivation successful.");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Deactivation failed.");

To see all the required parameters, please check out the GitHub repo of the Java client. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

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Protect Java code with software licensing

Today, we have released an update to the Java client API that allows you to easily verify license keys. You can read more about how to add it to your project in the GitHub repo. Below is an example of the code that you can use in your application.

import io.cryptolens.Cryptolens;
import io.cryptolens.Helpers;
import io.cryptolens.LicenseKey;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String RSAPubKey = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>sGbvxwdlDbqFXOMlVUnAF5ew0t0WpPW7rFpI5jHQOFkht/326dvh7t74RYeMpjy357NljouhpTLA3a6idnn4j6c3jmPWBkjZndGsPL4Bqm+fwE48nKpGPjkj4q/yzT4tHXBTyvaBjA8bVoCTnu+LiC4XEaLZRThGzIn5KQXKCigg6tQRy0GXE13XYFVz/x1mjFbT9/7dS8p85n8BuwlY5JvuBIQkKhuCNFfrUxBWyu87CFnXWjIupCD2VO/GbxaCvzrRjLZjAngLCMtZbYBALksqGPgTUN7ZM24XbPWyLtKPaXF2i4XRR9u6eTj5BfnLbKAU5PIVfjIS+vNYYogteQ==</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>";

        Cryptolens cryptolens = Cryptolens.getDefault();

        Cryptolens.ActivateResponse response =
                cryptolens.activate( "WyIyNTk1IiwidVVrQm94OGlYS3pHZlhTc0x6Rm9mN1piektrT0FSd0REaFZ0ZXZJMSJd"
                        , 3349
                        , "ICVLD-VVSZR-ZTICT-YKGXL"
                        , Helpers.GetMachineCode()

        if (!response.successful()) {
            System.out.println("Failed to activate!");
            Cryptolens.ActivateServerError er = response.getServerError();
            Exception ex = response.getException();

            if (er != null) {
                System.out.println("Server error: " + er);

            if (ex != null) {


        LicenseKey licenseKey = response.getLicenseKey();

        System.out.println("Activation was successful!");

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Python code for software licensing

Update 2019-12-04: We have updated the Python library so that it’s easier to obfuscate. Please check out the latest article with tips on monetizing Python applications (it covers code obfuscation, license verification and accepting payments).

Today, we released a library for license key verification in Python, freely available on GitHub. The code below checks license validity with the server (performing all the necessary cryptographic checks under the hood). Please run “pip install licensing” before running the code below.

from licensing.helpers import Helpers
from licensing.models import Response, RSAPublicKey
from licensing.methods import Key

pubKey = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>sGbvxwdlDbqFXOMlVUnAF5ew0t0WpPW7rFpI5jHQOFkht/326dvh7t74RYeMpjy357NljouhpTLA3a6idnn4j6c3jmPWBkjZndGsPL4Bqm+fwE48nKpGPjkj4q/yzT4tHXBTyvaBjA8bVoCTnu+LiC4XEaLZRThGzIn5KQXKCigg6tQRy0GXE13XYFVz/x1mjFbT9/7dS8p85n8BuwlY5JvuBIQkKhuCNFfrUxBWyu87CFnXWjIupCD2VO/GbxaCvzrRjLZjAngLCMtZbYBALksqGPgTUN7ZM24XbPWyLtKPaXF2i4XRR9u6eTj5BfnLbKAU5PIVfjIS+vNYYogteQ==</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>"

res = Key.activate(token="WyIyNTU1IiwiRjdZZTB4RmtuTVcrQlNqcSszbmFMMHB3aWFJTlBsWW1Mbm9raVFyRyJd",\
                   product_id=3349, key="ICVLD-VVSZR-ZTICT-YKGXL", machine_code="test")

if res[0] == None:
    print("An error occured: {0}".format(res[1]))

You can find more information the parameters, etc here.

License server for software licensing

One of the problems experienced by software vendors when selling to large customers is that some of their machines that will be running the software do not have direct internet access.

Although it is still possible to use offline activation, having an active connection to Cryptolens makes things much easier for both you as the software vendor and your customers.

To solve this, we can use a license server that will re-route all the license verification requests from the computers in the network to Cryptolens, as shown below:

If you have already implemented key verification in your application, the license server can be set up quite quickly in two steps:

  1. Install the license server as described here.
  2. In the Key.Activate method, add LicenseServerUrl parameter and set it to point to the license server (the IP and port of are shown in step 1).

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Overdraft software licensing

Several months ago, we introduced support for floating licenses, which, in simple terms, is a way to permit a certain number of concurrent end users at a time.

Overdraft license is a way to allow your users to temporarily exceed the upper bound of the number of concurrent licenses to take into account for potential peak usages. Once this occurs, a special event is going to be registered so that you can increase the limit in the next billing cycle.

In .NET, this can be implemented as follows (below, we allow the users to exceed the upper bound by one more concurrent license):

var auth = "{access token with permission to access the activate method}";
var result = Key.Activate(token: auth, parameters: new ActivateModel()
    Key = licenseKey,
    ProductId = 3349,
    Sign = true,
    MachineCode = Helpers.GetMachineCode(),
    FloatingTimeInterval = 100, // needed for floating licenses
    MaxOverdraft = 1            // needed to allow overdraft

if(Helpers.IsOnRightMachine(res2.LicenseKey, isFloatingLicense: true, allowOverdraft: true))
    // everything OK!

You can read more about this on our help pages.

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SendOwl and DPD integrations with Software Licensing

On a mission to make software licensing more accessible, we have recently improved our Web API to make integrations with other services easier. For example, we have made it possible to return license keys as plain text, which many third party platforms require.

When selling software, there are two problems that need to be solved: payment processing and software licensing. Cryptolens core has always been the comprehensive licensing API. If you are using SendOwl or DPD, you can keep using them for payments and Cryptolens for software licensing.

If you have a new project, I would recommend to check out our new tutorial about built-in recurring payments and payment forms.

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