Recurring Payments with Stripe combined with Software Licensing

A popular licensing model amongst software vendors is subscription-based licensing. It is generally seen as a smaller risk for the customer than traditional one-time payments (eg. which normally require a large commitment), but at the same time it provides recurring revenues for the software vendor.

You can get started with recurring payments by visit our help pages.


Recurring payments are implemented as a part of the customer portal. Thanks to this update, customers can not only manage their existing licenses but also subscribe for new ones.

Everything related to payments, plans and subscriptions is managed by Stripe, so if you’re already using Stripe, it’s quite easy to get started with the new recurring payments feature. If you do not have Stripe, it’s quite easy to get started. A tutorial can be found here.

In addition to recurring payments, the customer portal makes it possible to use user account authentication, described in the previous article.


Example when the customer has subscribed to a new plan:

The new license will show up on the home page of the customer:

Reviewing a license key and the subscription it is associated with:

Not a customer yet? Sign Up for a free trial and implement our software licensing system within minutes.

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