Metered usage with Stripe recurring billing in software licensing

A year ago, we released the recurring payment module to the customer dashboard, which allows your customers to sign up for plans and instantly receive the license key.

This has now been extended with the option to record usage in addition to the subscription fee. It is quite useful if you offer some features on a usage-based basis (eg. yearly report generation in an accounting software). It can also be used to to charge for API calls or other types of method calls.

In .NET, usage can be tracked with a one line of code:

var res = Subscription.RecordUsage(auth, new RecordUsageModel { Amount = 1, ProductId = 3349, Key = "CMXKC-GUQRW-EJUGS-RRPUR" });

It quite easy to get started. Please check out this article for more information. You always welcome to reach out to us should you have any questions 🙂

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